Hi Bitt,

hey you know I never thought of using a empeg to control another Empeg,
but if you're goinng to do it - then using VNC makes good sense.

I must admit that I never used the VNC server you wrote for my Empeg as I don't currently need to control it remotely except from a PC running IE (which Hijack lets me do now), so a seperate VNC client never appealed, however using a VNC client on one Empeg to control another makes sense in some cases.

So how much work do you think is required to create a native Empeg to Empeg (only) "VNC" client for the Empeg to control a remote empeg that hijacks all the front panel buttons (and presumably IR commands) and take the updatesfrom the remote screen and overlays it on the regular screen?

And is it worth doing? Would anyone else find that useful too?