It won't be going straight to MP3 at all

Substitute "goes" to "converts", you're right-that's what I meant. But since your posting I've downloaded an MP2 from Empeg, put it on DirectCut and it plays fine. I've not tried it on Winamp, but will do so at the weekend.

I figured that converting satellite at 192 to Wav* and back to MP3, would still come out better than the DAB 128 broadcast, which converts to 96 as an MP3.
I have two Wavefinders, both using Dabbar, and find that nothing has improved the operation as much as a decent outside aerial pointed, by map reference, at the required transmitter.

But still, I come back from time to time, to find an empty file. Enough so that I do a paranoid tape or SkyPlus back-up of the programmes I like, so that I don't miss them-hence why I thought I might use Sky+ as the main source, instead of the back-up.

*As I understand it, the digital output of the Sky+ has already converted the signal to a Wav, so I will be converting it back to an MP3 at whatever rate I think is the optimum. I needed the digital I/O anyway, so if it doesn't work, I haven't lost a lot.

I would be interested in your(very low-tech) opinion, as to whether what I'm doing is going to work.

Edited by boxer (05/12/2002 08:02)
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag