I'm TOO paranoid to bid now after reading this thread!!! heh! Damn it. I still don't have an Empeg player and this dude's auctions are at the right price!!!! Seems too good to be true... I'm pretty skeptical about it as well because why would ou set up these 13 auctions and only set them for 2 days and 8 hours?!?! I figure that you have 13 products that are in HUGE demand (in a niche group of course... but there's demand nonetheless...) and if you set up the 13 auctions for the maximum days allowed for an auction by eBay (which is 10 days) you have WAY more people bumping into the auction to jump in, bid, and drive the prices up higher!
It seems like this person is trying to make some quick cash... I just hope that the buyers are going to receive something in return for their money!!!
I wish these auctions were spread out, if they were, I might bid if I found out the results from an earlier winner.