First human clone. Allegedly. The group who's done it claims proof will be delivered in 8-9 days. The scientists who've done it are tied to a religious sect who "believe humans are the result of a genetic engineering project run by super intelligent extra-terrestrials." Um, yeah.

They've never shown any proof of anything they've ever done, so I'm pretty skeptical. There is, of course, very sketchy information right now, no sign of the parents, etc. But they're claiming that an independent scientist will be visiting to confirm the supposed scientific achievement.

I'm sickened by the thought of human cloning, and I'm not all that religious. I'm not even sure why, but I am. Even if this turns out to be a hoax (quite possible) I thought it was interesting to bring up. Several groups have already cloned human embryos, and theoretically, all that's missing to get a real human clone is implanting those embryos in a human mother and givivng birth to a baby. So even if these wack jobs are pulling a hoax, are we really far away from this happening?

We've already got too many fucking people on this planet, and now those who aren't able to reproduce (lesbian couples, infertile couples etc) want to use cloning instead of adoption. Selfish fucks.

Edited by yn0t_ (27/12/2002 08:04)
- Tony C
my empeg stuff