Yup, that is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!

What really frosts me, though, is that page isn't linked anywhere from the actual "troubleshooting" pages at the site for the macromedia player installs. Every link I followed that was supposed to help me troubleshoot the shockwave installation, pointed me to the regular piece-of-shit streaming web installer.

Wanna know the real kicker, though?

Although I did get Shockwave installed again, I now see the root of the problem that caused me to get into this mess in the first place:

C:\Win2k\system32\Macromed\Shockwave 8\Dirapi.dll.

See... here's what happens. When I run a Flash program, the links don't work. I can't do any "navigation" from within a flash program. When I try to click on something, IE closes down.

I look up a Microsoft KB article, which says it's a problem with Dirapi.dll. So I deinstall both Flash and Shockwave and reinstall Flash. Flash links work again. Note that with just Flash installed, Dirapi.dll doesn't exist on my hard disk and all is well.

Then I install Shockwave again. It installs Dirapi.dll. Flash quits working again. I hand-delete Dirapi.dll, and Flash works again.

But then when I run a Shockwave program, it auto-downloads Dirapi.dll and puts it into place. So each time I run Shockwave, I break Flash.

Sorry, that's just complete bullshit. Macromedia's own two programs don't cooperate with each other. Macromedia can just bite me.

I hate software.
Tony Fabris