> I occasionally get the "No hard disk found contact support" and before I can dry the tears from my eyes, it's working again. Usually after I restart my car.

> It is a very cold winter, could this have anything to do with it? I'v already replaced the cable that connects the hard drives and one of the hard drives is new. Any ideas.

I experience similar issues these cold weeks... When In-car, first boot results in the no-disk error. Using Hijack reboot option, it boots nicely afterwards (therefore probably no bad cable crimp effect).
I think it has to do with the cold (car battery drain just after initial car engine start) in combination with a dual HD-empeg (2 HDs have to spin up before succesfull boot). My spare single-HD unit never showed this behaviour.

Empeg M2A Blue # 010101908 80Gb
Empeg M2A Blue # 030102771 with backlight buttons - Need repair (IDE cable connection on main board) - volunteers?