As many of you probably know, an indifference point is the price at which you become ambivilanet about buying a product. Much higher and purchasing it would be out of the question, much lower and you would feel very good about buying it. If you are really not interested, your indifference point may fall toward 0.

Sonicblue has tended to go after the high end of the market and many of the members here are their target audience. I just wanted to do a little market research out of curiousity.

Product - indifference point (current price/bought?)

Empeg 20 gB- $500 ($700 / YES at $300)
ReplayTV 40 gB- $500 ($450 incl. activation / YES at $450)
Rio Central 20 gB - $400 ($1000 / NO)
Sirius Sat Radio - $150 + $6/month ($300 inst. + $13/month / NO)
Ipod 10 gB - $200 ($400 / NO)
Ipod 20 gB - $300 ($500 / NO)

Anybody else care to contribute?
