If It's *just* the nipple, it should continure to operate as normal. All the buttons should be working. If it doesn't do anything when you plug it in at the moment it is probably rebuilding the database. give it some time and see what happens. You should still be able to hook it up to (j)emplode and re-sync to solve this. (here's a tip; if you connect it up to your stereo and turn it up really loud, it'll rebuild faster)
infact, if you've got hijack installed, browse it and you should see what the display is _supposed_ to be doing. dang, you beat me thinfourth2!

I believe you can, if you're game, solder a new display in yourself. It's not for the feint hearted nor ill equiped.
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?