I don't know. I think if it's possible, someone will find a way. Someone wrote a piece of "software" to play MP3's on the AutoPC and it sounds like garbage... but they still wrote it. Why? Because they wanted to see if they could do it. Unfortunately, that's the history behind the atom bomb, too. Heh, sometimes "just because" isn't a very good reason. (Sorry, didn't mean to get political. Moving on...) So, I've got a feeling that somewhere down the line, someone will come up with it. I'm really not sure that the Empeg would be able to play it, though, due to processing power. It would be pretty cool to see a movie in all blue, all red, all green, or all amber, too.... and not have to adjust your TV set to see it that way! Okay, okay, so this is just a pipe dream, but, hey... maybe one day the Empeg will evolve into a somewhat larger unit with an plasma screen. Ya never can tell...
