Of course we never landed on the moon. We've also been covering up the aliens at Roswell for years now. That was after we purposely let the Japanese attack Pearl Harbour, but quite a few years before the CIA blew up the World Trade Center so that we could go to war with Afghanistan. Now, we are pretending like Iraq has chemical warheads so that we can go to war with Iraq, because W is pissed that Saddam tried to assassinate his dad and he's a Christian crusader intent on going to war with the Muslims. I mean, the US just has a proven track record with these things; after all, it took some balls to invent the whole holocaust thing. I'll tell you more when I finish watching Fox television. I think Joe Millionaire comes on right after John Edwards.

Oh, by the way, when am I going to get my next handout? I need my food stamps, welfare, and reparations payment now please. Oh yeah, and that time you liberating Europe after World War II instead of behaving like the Russians, that was entirely for your own self-interest.

-Fox-Watching Public