Yes, it can be done (as was said by others in this thread).

But, to paraphrase Ian Malcolm...

The people on this thread were so concerned with answering whether or not you could, they didn't stop to give you advice on if you should.

I have serious reservations about seeing Thinfourth put ICS on his PC:

- ICS is a piece of crap software implementation that I've personally seen screw up the network configuration of more than one PC.

- Exposing the empeg to the internet is dangerous, because by default it has no network protection on it. People could delete tunes, erase the hard disk, etc., all without a password.

Sure, both of the above can be worked around and dealt with by someone who's very good with these sorts of things, someone who knows how to lock down the empeg and to troubleshoot the inevitable problems with installing ICS. But while I'd trust Thinfourth with my life if I needed the Diesel engine on my oil tanker repaired, I'm not so sure he's the right guy to be plunging alone into the world of Microsoft's Buggy and Badly Implemented Connection Sharing Software.
Tony Fabris