It seems that my power windows drain quite a bit of power. Before Empeg, if I tried to raise/lower two windows at once, they definitely moved slower. When I attempt two windows at once, the Empeg sometimes will shut down. This is reasonable. If there ain't enough power to go around, then what can you do? Big-assed (tm) Caps next to the battery! Maybe someday.

You don't need big caps next to the battery. Just some relatively small ones in line with the Empeg. I had a problem with the Empeg rebooting when I cranked my starter motor, and the BBS folks helped me get around this problem. The final wiring diagram is here, please scroll back in the thread to locate more details about what kind of capacitors and diode to use. This worked like a charm.

But before doing that, I'd be checking to make sure the car is supposed to draw that much current with its window motors. There could be something else wrong. Does this only happen when the engine is turned off? If it happens when the engine is on, you might have an alternator that isn't putting out enough juice, or a bad voltage regulator. Check into it.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris