I could really do with a 'Search by playlist' search.

Interesting. This sounds like it would be fairly easy to implement, and have negligible impact on the current user interface. It would also take care of another problem that some users have asked about: The ability to append a playlist to the currently-playing one. If we had a "Search by playlist" feature, then we'd also automatically get an "Append by playlist" feature. I like it.

I'd really really like to be able to sub-search.

Although you're not the first person to ask for this, your Bob Marley example is a good one.

When uploading a directory as a playlist, if a track filename has a track number (e.g. "01 - In the flesh.mp3"), then that track number should be used to place the track in the correct order in the playlist.

The only difficult part about that is how does the Empeg know it's a track number and not part of the song title, e.g. "Mambo No. 9" or "2112"? (Ewww, now there's an odd combo.)

I guess it would have to parse all the filenames in the directory and see if it can find commonality in the digit positions and a sequential order. The coding is do-able, but not simple.

But wait, there's something better: There's a spec that allows you to add the track sequence number to both V2 and V1 tags. In V2, it's its own separate field, and in V1, it's the 30th character of the comment field. Many rippers (including AudioCatalyst, if I recall) write this field automatically. (In V1 tags, you often see it as a "black bar" at the end of the comment field.) If Emplode read this field and detected sequential tracks, then ordered them correctly on the initial drag-and-drop, it would be cool.

Oh, and regarding the "In the flesh" example: isn't it irritating that we can't have question marks in file names?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris