I like her hair too. I thought this could be a problem in exporting British humor to the US, you just don't get it over there. Why does her hair style matter ??? Stop thinking there has to be a moral and meaning behind every little thing and just relax and enjoy what is the best comedy sitcom ever to have come from these shores.
Easy, there, cowboy. Don't take it so seriously.

You said it yourself. She ``has problems with ... her self image''. Wouldn't her having a bad hairstyle be funny?

The reason I ask is because we just happened to watch an episode that had an unmitigated British-only reference. It was an early episode and Sally and Susan were talking about, apparently, a Tory politician who they said could pull off being ``naked with socks''. That joke was totally lost on us, and we started thinking about what else we might unknowingly be missing.

Neither of us is fashionable in the least, and Sally's hairstyle isn't awful in the US, but it looks sorta like one someone would have who wants to be glamorous but is failing at it. Combine that with the fact that sitcom stars over here are pored over by the fashion press (for example, when Friends, with which Coupling obviously has a lot in common, became very popular, there was seldom a week that would go by without someone in the popular press commenting on Jennifer Aniston's hair), and I just wondered if it was intended to be good, or if it was more funniness. Now I know, which is why I asked.
Bitt Faulk