Have you seen the movie Pi?
Yeah. I went to see it ``opening day'' by myself. I couldn't find anyone else to go with me. Love it. Own the DVD. Always meant to grab the soundtrack. I might do that. (I do seem to remember that I was at one point put off by the fact that the approximation of pi in the background of the cover was correct for about five decimal places -- fewer than I know at any time -- out of, probably, hundreds, and may have been pissy and decided not to buy it at the time based on that.)
Ha! I think you meant dimension, but I like that pseudo-Spoonerism. It accurately describes, I think, what I'm looking for.

I'll check out those suggestions. If I can find a couple of tracks online to try, can you tell me which tracks you think are the most representative of the albums?
Bitt Faulk