I would prefer that peoples' ideas were reflected here regardless of how well they did in English class.
I agree. However, if you follow the subthread most concisely viewed in these two posts (that's two different links), you'll see that ignoring grammar makes one's ideas difficult to express. Neither of the parties involved (FerretBoy and trs24) did anything very wrong. trs24 used the correct verb ``can'' (assuming I'm correct in his intentions), and FerretBoy made the mistake of assuming he meant ``may'', since the meanings of those two words have become muddied.

The fact that people in prior times refused to learn how to use those words properly means that no one now can expect anyone to use them properly, and it thus becomes more difficult to express your views concisely and concretely. That's why good grammar should always be used. Because it allows one to effectively express his idea.

Of course, that doesn't help when one reneges on his promise not to get involved, but I thought the example was too applicable and contemporaneous to ignore.
Bitt Faulk