You know, this many flavors of unix thing sucks. -printf is not an option on my find. There is -print and -print0 but no -printf

"No problem", says me, "that's what pipes are for":

find . -type f -print | printf "%T@ %Td-%Tb-%Ty &p\n"
-csh: illegal format character

Standards are good things. Does this suck horribly, or is it just me? Am I back to redoing Bitt's script in csh? Am I a stupid ass for not being able to figure this out? (sure feels like it)...

Damnation. I think my printf sucks, too. man printf gives these arguments:

A character which indicates the type of format to use (one of

A field width or precision may be `*' instead of a digit string. In this
case an argument supplies the field width or precision.

The format characters and their meanings are:

diouXx The argument is printed as a signed decimal (d or i), un-
signed octal, unsigned decimal, or unsigned hexadecimal (x or
X), respectively.

f The argument is printed in the style [-]ddd.ddd where the
number of d's after the decimal point is equal to the preci-
sion specification for the argument. If the precision is
missing, 6 digits are given; if the precision is explicitly
0, no digits and no decimal point are printed.

eE The argument is printed in the style [-]d.ddde+-dd where
there is one digit before the decimal point and the number
after is equal to the precision specification for the argu-
ment; when the precision is missing, 6 digits are produced.
An upper-case `E' is used for an E format.

gG The argument is printed in style f or in style e (E) whichev-
er gives full precision in minimum space.

b Characters from the string argument are printed with back-
slash-escape sequences expanded.

c The first character of argument is printed.

s Characters from the string argument are printed until the end
is reached or until the number of characters indicated by the
precision specification is reached; however if the precision
is 0 or missing, all characters in the string are printed.

% Print a `%'; no argument is used.