I just got my Mark 2 (and my car's in the shop for other stuff for the next week or two, so I'm stuck with using it on my desk for now). I have a '99 WS6 Trans-Am, and I had several questions about getting empeg into this car... I'm hoping someone else here has a recent high-end f-body...

1. I'm going to build an interface for the stock steering wheel controls... has anybody already done this on a recent GM car like mine? Can you save me some trouble figuring out the wiring?

2. The empeg site says that the developer image has performance disadvantages... If I get some personal modifications finished up that I want to use permanently, is there any way for me to compile up a "production" image with my mods?

3. I know that the empeg people claim that the HDD's are very shock proof... but has anyone put them in a serious sportscar before? My car can hit over a full G of lateral acceleration when I drop the clutch in 1st. Cornering it can approach a full G as well. The suspension is also much stiffer than most cars, which makes even a supposedly "flat" road feel quite bumpy sometimes. Should I worry about this? Should I go to standby before driving the car full-out?

Any advice appreciated,
