
the main one with the Riot at the moment is the fact that album names appear to be truncated in some of the searches, for example I have 2 albums with similar names (the first 29 characters are the same), when I do play music, by Album, they are both listed, so the riot at that point knows they are differant, but whichever one I select I get the same list of tracks and the tracks are interleaved (track 1 album 1, track 1 album 2, track 2 album 1, track 2 album 2....) and as the tracks mix into each other the end result is two unlistenable albums.

If I hit the bottom button to get the track info, the album field has visable differances on the screen, so the correct information is available in the Riot (ie, Real hasn't mangled it on the way in).

Mark. [blue]MKI, MKII & MKIIa, all Blue, and all Mine![/blue]