Hi all,

I know that there are a bunch of mac experts on this forum, so thought I'd post about a problem that I have with my (first and only) mac. (Yup, I'm a switcher)

Looking for a little advice on my new powerbook which appears to have
some disk issues.

When in OS X (10.2.4) iPhoto just unexpectedly quits, and I can't seem to
get access to the 'Pictures' directory via the Finder.

Booting into Single user Mode (cmd-s) allows me to do a 'fsck' of the
drive, but this appears to fail to do anything useful.

Here's the FSCK output:

# /sbin/fsck -y

** /dev/rdisk0s9
** Root file system
** Checking HFS Plus volume.
** Checking Extents Overflow file.
** Checking Catalog file
Overlapped extent allocation (file 242929d)
disk0s9: 0x8 (UNDEFINED).
Keys out of order
(4, 6233)
** Rebuilding Catalog B-tree.
disk0s9: 0x8 (UNDEFINED).

If I mount (mount -uw /) the disk and naviagate to my home directory -
trying a 'ls -al' in the 'Pictures' directory, nets me the following:

disk0s9: 0x8 (UNDEFINED).

disk0s9: 0x8 (UNDEFINED).

Not terribly helpful, I'm sure you'll agree.

I tried searching apple and google for comp.sys.mac.system, but not a lot
comes up with much use.

I tried booting the OS X CD but it hangs at the grey apple logo screen.

I'm nervous, since the Pictures directory has all of my digital photos
from my month long holiday in it, and I'm scared I'll lose the lot (~
1,200 pictures).

I don't care about anything else - any advice on how to get the data off
the machine, so that I can rebuild it?


Paul H
Paul Haigh, Reg. 4120 (mk1) 6GB, Blue, 00254 (mk2) 12GB, Red, 00357