That's quite interesting. I chalk that up, once again, to being too aimed at the younger audiences. That disappoints me in another way. If I had played this game straight without a large break for schoolwork in the middle, it would have taken about a week at the rate I was going. That's not very long in my mind.

I should add that I didn't get everything in the game. Hell, I didn't get nearly all the heart pieces. I only ended up with three hearts in the second row, so I'm sure there are a lot more out there. I got through the whole final stage and final fight with Ganon and only used 2 fairies (I had another and a bottle of soup). That rounded off what I thought was an extremely easy game.

But I will admit, it was incredibly fun. That's why I'm so mad that it was over so quickly.

Now that I think about it, what you say makes a lot of sense. That would explain why there are a couple islands with one very small dungeon (often one room), which only serve the purpose of obtaining items or weapons. They probably wanted to turn those into full dungeons at one point. There are also some islands that seem to serve absolutely no purpose (most of those square-shaped islands with dots in the middle, if you know what I'm talking about).