Okay, as with others' advice: look for fuses. Almost 100% certain that's what the problem is.

Now.. obligatory UPS story: Everyone in the East remember the ice-storm? I do. I spent several days here sacrificing my Linux hacking to a greater good: I used the UPS to heat the house to a toasy 70F throughout.

Well.. not just the UPS. We have a real wood fireplace, with steel air tubes running in and around the firebox and back out again. With an electric circulating fan, and a nearly airtight door in front (and 20K gold trim..). During the days with no power here, I used our two computer UPS boxes to run the fan periodically. Nice and toasty. Especially in combo with the gas stove, and "primitive" gas water heater (not the fancier high-efficiency kind that needs electrical power).


Edited by mlord (01/04/2003 19:16)