Don't worry, that's one of the few puzzles that is that obscure.
I think I may have hit one of the other obscure puzzles. I'd go find a walkthrough, but I don't want spoilers, so does anyone have a hint for this one?

I'm in the "courage tower", the fortress that rose out of the sea after I placed the three pearls on the three triangle islands. Most of the puzzles here have been pretty easy so far.

I've gotten the first statue to follow me back to the central room (you press R and shout "come on!" and the statue follows you). I've conducted the "Command" music and opened the second door.

The second statue is the hard one. I've used the grappling hook to reach it. I had to cross two bottomless chasms in two rooms with the grappling hook to get there. But now I don't see a way to get back across with the statue. There is a trigger pad that will allow me to place a heavy object onto it and make a magic bridge appear, but I can't see how to get either of the heavy objects across the first chasm.

There is a trigger pad that will open a door near the first chasm, but... same problem. No way to get heavy objects across that first chasm to reach the trigger pad.

There is a big eye on the wall next to the first chasm, but I can't seem to interact with it with any of my items. There's a little blue notch in the wall beneath the eye indicating that maybe a bridge or ledge will appear there, but I can't make anything happen in that room.

Earlier, I had battled two flaming flying skulls in that room (homage to Doom, anyone?), but nothing seemed to happen after they were both gone.

Tony Fabris