Actually, Tony, based on kswish0's description, I'm not certain this is the Incredible Disappearing Application problem. I've had a bug reported (and reproduced it once) where emphatic itself fails to display lyrics in horizontal mode.

kswish0, try this for me. Reproduce the problem, and then do the following things:

1) Bring up the emphatic menu with a knob press. Does it come up? If not, then this might actually be the aforementioned Incredible Disappearing Application problem.
2) If not #1, then try changing tracks when you see the problem. Go to another track, then come back to the one which has lyrics but has a problem displaying them. Do you now see lyrics properly?
3) If not #1, and #2 doesn't solve your problem, switch to vertical display mode from the emphatic menu. Are lyrics visible in vertical display mode?
3a) Switch back to horizontal mode. Are the lyrics visible now?

The answers to these questions will help me figure out what's happening. Be warned that I won't be touching emphatic until late this month/early May due to other things taking up my time, but this will help me out when I open it up again.

- Tony C
my empeg stuff