Greg, thanks for the reply. i do in fact have the adapter you are referring to, but it made no difference. i have the little cable (blue in my case) hooked up to the 12v power connection (tried both constant and ignition sense). I will try hooking it up to the blue wire you mention - i didn't use the extension cable (to keep my wires to a minimum) so that wire isn't present. regardless, i was providing power, so it should have worked. interestingly, when it did work, i had decent reception with no antenna plugged in and even better with just the antenna adapter plugged in (but no power applied, and not actually connected to the antenna - just sort of hanging there).
see my threads at about the tuner and about the standby issue.

my problem in standby is not that it stays on, but that it cuts off completely. the wiring harness was reversed - but i fixed that. are you in austin?