Ok, I've decided if I'm ever going to do any serious programming on the empeg I need a debugger. I guess this means I'm a wimpy programmer but that's besides the point.

Anyways I have managed to get gdbserver compiled and running on the empeg, I've attached the file- note you have to copy the libthread_db.so.1 file from the toolchain's lib directory to the /lib directory on the empeg for it to run. Problem is I can't get GDB to use it without crashing. Basically what I'm doing is this:
empeg: gdbserver localhost:2000 test
linux box: gdb test
(gdb) target remote empeg:2000
(gdb) breakpoint main
(gdb) continue
when I do the continue everything crashes. I imagine the problem is I have to re-compile gdb to support ARM binaries... but I have no idea how to do this.. any ideas GDB wizards?

152464-gdbserver.zip (48 downloads)