So (as mentioned in other threads) I dropped my empeg and broke the fill nipple. Which leaves me with two possible courses of action. It is these two possibilities that lead me to ask your opinions.

Possibility #1
Allow Support to fix the empeg. This will cost something a bit above 230 dollars, leaving me with a twice repaired empeg.

Possibility #2
Buy a new empeg. This course of action will provide me with a second sled, an extra remote, general parts (facia, buttons, ide cable, etc.), and the ability to increase my hd space. I can probably do this for somewhere around 500 dollars.

The problem is that this would basically mean taking my current empeg out of commission permanently, before it's actually impossible to fix the device. Going to a second empeg when repair isn't an option somehow seems different than putting the empeg down before its actually required.

Your thoughts?
Michael West