I have a friend who has a friend that used that n his 65" wide-screen. Reports from the friend say that it is quite impressive (Unreal2 at 1900+rez!), yet suffers from overscan problems. I think that can be fixed by setting the resolution with powerstrip, but I haven't asked if he's tried that.

I have a Nvidia GeForce4 in this machine and it supposedly supports HD resolutions... with a DVI to component cable that is, to quote Nvidia, "rare and difficult to find". Great... I've seen some for Digital projectors, but always out of stock.

I'm using R20 and it's pretty cool. The new Music module has to be setup in the Configuration program. It is a little rough, but the author is taking feedback on how it works. the Jukebox mode, with some UI tweaks looks like fun. You can sort by Artist, Title, Album, or Genre and then do alpha searches within that grouping. I believe his plans are to combine the functions of the default Music module with this new one. My big excitement is it's use of the Artist and Album artwork I have already set up... very nice.

My plan is to find a way to get HiDef to my TV and make my decision from there. I haven't even played with the MAME and "myGames" aspect yet! I have all the WMP9 Hidef demo files in my Video folder and they play well from the interface. I have to get this all setup before my next Amazon order arrives...

... Bootsy Collins in High Definition... ooooh yeah.
Brian H. Johnson
MK2 36GB Blue, currently on life support
"RIP RCR..."