Model aircraft, that is. Totally cloudless, 26 deg C, light breeze, far too nice a day to waste working. Even the trade rep who was supposed to come here cancelled with a suspiciously weak excuse. So it's off to a friends house on a hill with a fantastic view for a barbecue and a few flights with a little electric R/C airplane. I kept it up for more than 10 minutes, a personal best

In fact, while the instructions that came with the kit were entirely correct about it being easy to fly and very stable, they omiited the rather crucial point that when the damn thing's two hundred feet up it's remarkably difficult to persuade it to land. I had to enlist a hedge in the end.

The half-kilo steaks were pretty good, as well.

Mind you, the flight I've been promised in one of these promises to be even better.

Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...