hrmmmm :-/

I've been playing with this for 7 continuous hours, with little success. Somewhat frustrating.

First let's discuss your ssh option which sounds promising, but I can't get to work.

I'm using a windows machine, and I've always used TeraTerm for ssh, but after I couldn't get the forwarding to work, I tried downloading f-secure's CLI ssh program, which also ended up not working.

The command I typed into f-secure's ssh was:

ssh2 -L [email protected]

also tried:

ssh2 -L [email protected]

After typing those commands, it would log in as normal, and I could only assume the port magic was occurring (no messages or anything).

Then in AIM, under "Server", I change: "", port 5190 to: "localhost", port 5190 and then port 5191. I also tried in place of localhost. Every time AIM could not connect.

Since ricin had said that he'd had success with GAIM, I downloaded that (version 0.61). It does not have a section where you specify a server, but it has a proxy section, where I tried (for the hell of it) putting it onto HTTP (other option is SOCKS) and putting localhost as the proxy server with port 5190 (or 5191). No dice. Also played with the Proxy option in AIM, to no avail.

Any ideas? Could I not be doing the ssh port thingy right? The port thing is automatically bidirectionally connected, right?

More details of my exploits in futility shortly.
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