I forgot to thank everyone for their well wishes! Thank you very much!

My wife and I are very happy with the way that things are going right now. The little guy only wakes up 2 times a night to eat (about average) and at all other times he's being a very good baby. Next week I return to work, but it won't be too bad because I telecommute, and my wife is going to be a full time mom. It's exciting because I'll be able to be around a lot more than most people are with their kids.

I think that (especially these days) it's very important to spend as much time with your kids as possible, because there is no better person to raise a child then their own parents. It's sad that many people are forced to put their kids in daycare while both parents go to work - a byproduct of our possesion-obsessed society. We've chosen to simplify our lives to the point where we can be comfortable on one income, and not sacrifice our child's development for that luxury car or 3-car garage.
Mark Cushman