I wanted to put my center channel behind my screen but commercial perforated screens are expensive and have potential moire problems with digital projectors depending on how the pixels line up with the perforations. So I built my own screen with Dazian Coated Celtic Cloth and I'm very pleased with it both visually and sonically.

While you are prepping your room don't forget the walls and ceiling. Ambiant light comes from more then just external sources. These digital projectors can light up a room if your walls and ceiling are a light color. I just finished putting up a black ceiling in my theater and the difference is amazing. The HS10 is already somewhat contrast challenged so it's especially important for you to reduce reflected light. That's the "magic" of the Firehawk - it reduces off axis ambiant reflections while reflecting white on axis.

Also, I returned the HS10 I had because of the lamp bug. I originally intended to get another one but during the long wait I started thinking (always dangerous) and looking at other projectors. I ended up stretching my budget to get the NEC HT1000. I'm very pleased with my choice but I still think the HS10 is a fine projector at it's price.

And, yes, HD content is fantastic on the HS10. I do miss the extra resolution.
