to figure out which of the songs in Emplode have just been downloaded, after the downloading has been finished?
When you use the word "Download" do you mean "added to the player"? Usually download refers to grabbing files off the player, not adding them.

I'm going to proceed under the assumption that you mean new songs you just added to the player, and answer the question from that point of view:

- Select "All Tracks" from the left-hand pane in Emplode.

- Select View/Details from the menu.

- Select View/Colums.

- Check the box next to "Created" and click "Move Up" enough times so that it will appear among the visible columns on your screen.

- Click on OK.

- Click on the column header for the column "Created". This will sort by that column. You can choose to have it sort upwards or downwards by clicking on it.

Now the screen shows the songs in the order they were added to your player. The songs that were just added are now either at the top of the list or the bottom of the list depending on whether it has been sorted upwards or downwards.
Tony Fabris