Anybody know what this error means? This is from version 1.0 of the emptool source compiled under LinuxPPC.


[mcomb@groveg4 emptool]$ ./emptool
Scanning Ethernet for an empegcar...
P socket.cpp 103 ( 409): Binding to 'empegcar' (ID number 0) found at
Connection is 0x10073b58
P socket.cpp 79 ( 409): Socket::CloseP #W connection_unix.cpp 625 ( 409): poll on socket timed out (0ms)
P connection_unix.cpp 531 ( 409): Flushed receive buffer
2000 Checking connection [ 0%]P #W connection_unix.cpp 625 ( 409): poll on socket timed out (0ms)
2000 Checking connection [Done]P #W connection_unix.cpp 625 ( 409): poll on socket timed out (0ms)
Protocol version of emptool (4) is too old for your player (1024)
Please obtain an updated emptool

EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration