This morning, dock numbers #99 and #100 hit the post office! taym is the (un)lucky recipient of dock number 100, for which he receives some original Empeg stickers and a copy of the Saturday comics secton.

So much for my original idea of building perhaps 50 or so max! Thanks to all who ordered!

The store is now closed.

Heh heh.. just kidding.

But we have only four more sets of docks cut out and ready for assembly, and notifications for those were sent out this morning. The next 100 orders will now wait for a few weeks while we retool and cut out the wood parts for the final big batch.

There are still about 10 docks in the final batch which have yet to be claimed, so if you want one, please sign up Real Soon Now! These will begin shipping by late June, and should all be finished by the end of August.
