When I last used Rex's neat little util that writes to the display (that is, yesterday) is was also turning the LED off. Now, the (kludgy) way to do it is to load dev immage, enable Quit menu option, modify /etc/profile so that it clears that screen using Rex's picker (with blank options) and exits when picker returns, thus restarting the player. (Picker is an applet that displays four options on the screen and returns the button pressed.) Using it for user interaction and Perl for other stuff, it is very easy to write alarm clock (good idea, I will give it a try; the only problem is that I have locked myself out of shell prompt right now by a bug in bash profile which now exits immediatelly, and I have working upgrade tool needed for fresh start only at work. Sigh!)


Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue