My obligatory "Arcitc Circle" shot.

Yeah, I really want to go there sometime....when it's freezing and dark all day!

Those pics are beautiful. I can take some consolation from finding out that it isn't *quite* as dark in February as I expected. There's even some light! I might even see that sign!

With that Bimmer you look like a candidate for a return trip with a bunch of masochists. They inaugurated a motorcycle class in the Summer Alcan in 2002 and it looks like it has caught on -- looks like almost all the entries so far are bikes. And only 5000 kilometers!

(edit: oh and I should say that it wouldn't help with your itch until *next* year) So, If not north, then where? Belize?

I may drive to the East Coast in August to, ummmm, go job hunting. Yes, job hunting. It is perhaps a forlorn hope, but I am accumulating all these new OGGs that I haven't moved onto the player yet...and new music goes so well with the open road...and beta software has been *proven* to improve driving performance!

Edited by jimhogan (06/06/2003 23:49)

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.