Instead of having the "Select Action:" label in the Hijack popup menus, I wanted to have it be set to the menu name you can define for yourself in config.ini. Loren described how you can name your popup menus in this section of the Hijack FAQ. Your config.ini could look like this:

PopUp0=Top Menu
PopUp1=Tweak By

I patched Hijack to display the menu name instead of "Select Action" in hijack.c:

< char buf[16];
> char buf[16], disp[18];
< rowcol = draw_string(rowcol, "Select Action: ", COLOR3);
> sprintf(disp, "%s: ", get_button_name(current_popup->old, buf));
> rowcol = draw_string(rowcol, disp, COLOR3);

I figured if you liked the "Select Action:" string, you could set PopUp0=Select Action in config.ini and it would be the same. I do have a few questions, though. Is this the right patch format? I've seen others that use the @ sign, but I just used GNU diff on Linux to output this. Secondly, how should I re-compile the kernel without going through a lot of trouble while testing small changes like this? What I did was recompile the hijack.c file in arch/arm/special and it would generate the special.a file, but I had to do a make zImage from the top directory. Is there a way to make the zImage without having it check for uncompiled sources in each of the children directories? I'm a little tired after looking through the Makefile.
Mark Cushman