How come Keen Eddie has got his dog past the UK's Draconian quarantine laws? Surely the pooch would have to be in kennels for six months, like everybody elses.
That's actually explicitly explained in the series. (There's even a quick flash of ``QUARANTINED'' being stamped on a form with the dog's picture during the opening credits sequence.)

Eddie's Scotland Yard partner is ... weird. (The first thing we really see him do is attend a couples-only leather-optional swingers' party using a female friend of his to gain admittance.) Anyway, one of his ``quirks'' is animal rights. (That's not as weird as some of the others, but it's presented in the same light.) He gets mad at Eddie for bringing the animal to the UK knowing that it'd have to sit in quarantine for six months. (Eddie doesn't really like the dog. It isn't explained why he has it, but I'll bet that it was an old girlfriend's or something. Perhaps even the femme fatale from the first episode who's obviously intended to recur.) So the partner goes down to the quarantine office with Eddie and convinces the officials down there that it's a police dog -- one who was integral in a huge drugs bust a few months prior. Then there's a ``funny'' scene where the whole staff of the quarantine office is having their picture taken with the dog.

So there you go.
Bitt Faulk