
Easy CD Creator used to be decent, until they got spun off into Roxio. EZCD4 worked, was stable, good. EZCD5 sucked. They broke the product, and have never gotten it working since.

I have not tried Nero, but I use CDRWIN by Goldenhawk. The UI is not as nice and windows friendly, but it was the first package (even before EZCD) to allow decent control of audio burns. It is quick, easy and gets the job done. And you can build compex CD formats (negative times, multisession CD-Extra, etc.) very nicely.

Edit - Historical note: I have been burning audio (and data) CDs ever since the dark ages of 19" rack mounted single speed burners (2x if you had the ISO image on a very fast hard drive) using a dedicated DOS workstation...

Edited by pgrzelak (12/06/2003 04:16)
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs