a) The amp in question can have the rear channels bridged for a sub like that, and it has enough power to properly drive your chosen subwoofer in that configuration. Not all amps are bridgeable, and not all amps are good for running subwoofers that way. If you're not careful about matching the sub to the amp, damage to either the amp or the sub can result.

In the spec sheet it says "Bridged Power (Watts x Channels) - 160x2" so it sounds like it would work. I'll have to ask specifically.

b) The front channels can handle a 2-ohm load.


c) The front speakers can operate correctly in parallel.

Didn't consider that but I'll have it in mind (haven't chosen speakers yet). BTW, if I want to drive two speakers in parallel at say 30W each, does that mean I need 60W output at the amp? Highschool physics was a while ago.

I think I'll give Crutchfield a call next time I'm awake during their business hours.
