It was JEmplode 2.0b11...

After I did the steps in your 2nd FAQ suggestion I can Upload again, but it takes awfully long :
"Uploading Tunes": 4 min(!) for a 3MB file over ethernet
"Rebuliding Database": about 8 minutes
"Remounting Disks": 15 minutes
=about an half an hour for a single file upload over ethernet... :-(
-I also noticed, that the Proccesses seems to stop in the middle, -the Progress Bar doesn't continuesly go; it jumps to the middle-, waits a long time (there is HD activity at the Player, thouh) and then jumps to the end.
And after "Restarting Player" / "Initializing..." Emplode crashes every time... Error message:
Synchronize failed while writing Player configuration.
Connection timed out (error 0x8004003e)

I think it's getting more worse whatever I do... *g*

What would I have to do do delete all and start from the scratch? -Would this definitely solve the Problem?

thanks for your great help all the time! ;-)