I wish people would be more inclined to recognize good ideas and not oppose everything as I see so often.

Usually, everyone here on the BBS does recognize good ideas and cheers them on. Sometimes we offer alternatives that would get the same results. (As it turns out, the alternative I suggested earlier in this thread was stupid and completely unworkable since it would break the Q-Z alphabetical menu selection.)

But please don't feel insulted just because some people on the BBS disagree with your idea. Remember that the Empeg folks do read every feature suggestion posted here and make their own decisions. Even if the suggestion draws criticism, Empeg might still like the idea and choose to implement it anyway. This has been known to happen.

I always look at feature suggestions (mine as well as everyone else's) with these things in mind:

- How useful would such a feature be to everyone (not just me)?
- Would it confuse or complicate the user interface for Joe Consumer?
- How difficult would it be to implement the feature?
- Would it break another existing feature?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris