I currently have Postfix set up to do mail delivery to /var/spool/mail in mbox format, unless the user has a.procmail file. Then Procmail is run, and typicially delivers mail to a Maildir format. Reason being, this allows a user to change between POP and IMAP based mail easially. Maildir is used by Courier IMAP, while the local POP server deals with the mbox users.

So far, it has worked decently.

But now, I am looking to implement maildrop to also gain an easy to use web interface for server side filtering for IMAP users. (Unless someone can show me a nice web interface for procmail). So, is there a way I could have maildrop live nicely in this enviornment? I have never worked with maildrop, but I am thinking the easiet way would be to install it, then any user who wants to use it would have the procmail file call maildrop instead. It shouldn't be a huge system resource problem, because this will only be used by about 10 people max.