Capacity: the 128MB Nomad was on the small size, 512MB would be pretty good 1GB would be plenty.

Size: small, she uses it mainly in the gym and while jogging, which rules out some but not all of the HDD based players.

Price: dollar for dollar I don't feel that many of the flash memory players are worth it, espically when iPods are creaping under the $300 mark. The Nomad IIc cost around $140 last year, and their current similar models are about the same. I know Paul had an S50 with a 512MB card, which should do the job, maybe I'll price that up tomorrow.

The new Rio player (Pearl?) does ideal, and even better it has the same user interface as the Empeg in her car, but I don't know how long I can hold out looks like tomorrow will be spent re-reading some of the confirmed rumor threads.
Do we know if they have any plans for any large flash memory players? or even any new flash memory players?
