I think the biggest crime is the lack of humor in those captions. Wow are those lame. They read like that guy on your college dorm hall who wanted to write for Maxim but wasn't very good.

I'm a Don & Mike fan, but I haven't listened to them in years and years. Even then, I only listened for a very small time. I mainly like them because they live in my area, and one of their kids (either Mike's or the other Mike's) went to my middle school.

To give you an idea, the last time I listened to them was when Tickle-Me-Elmos were huge. They somehow got ahold of like 20 of them, and were running a bunch of contests to give them away. I thought it got pretty funny.

But I guess I can't comment. I've never really found any DJs funny, so whatever they do doesn't bother me.

Oh, and that Lisa is extremely hot.