Well, after 18 months of reasonable work, I am now a certified geek (despite the low score on the geek test). I got my Diploma of Net. Eng. last Thursday. but the training doesn't end there as I embark on a bachelor of IT (data coms and info sys combined majors) next week. (RAH!)
I also landed a great job doing tech and phone support for a small ISP (which is on the way to Uni and near where I live).

Althought the service provision side is well implemented, this small ISP desparately needs some good administrative management systems in order to cope with the growth it's having. Can anyone point me in any direction for service logging software which is flexible enough to hook into existing databases of customer information?
I'm sorry this is so vague, I've only been there a week and am just handling their way of managing the services. At least something information on the types of systems available would be useful.

Thanks all, Amasfoort sounded like a great show!
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?