Most likely, they offer either a telephone line, or an ethernet line, in the cabin. He'd have to bring his own notebook computer, equipped with either a modem or a LAN card (you should find out which it is... the text you quoted doesn't say). I'd recommend checking to make sure the card works and that he can connect to the internet using that card before he goes on the trip. Hard to troubleshoot something remotely when you're out at sea.

But, more importantly...


I love my internet connection as much as the next guy, but for God's sake, the last thing I'd want to do on a cruise ship is surf the net. Even sitting out on the deck and doing nothing is better than checking my email.

I just got back from a ten day trip to Europe, and didn't miss the net connection one bit. The only time I used one was to run to Rob's house with Roger to look up travel distance numbers for the meet competition. I wasn't tempted even for a second to check my email or the BBS.

Slap some sense into this guy.
Tony Fabris