Or, said better, what's the point of having loudness when you have a fully parametric EQ?

The original purpose of a loudness control is to increase the low frequencies when the stereo is being played quietly.

When you turn down the volume of a stereo, you lose the low frequencies more quickly than the high ones- especially in a car where there is an everpresent low frequency noise floor when you're driving.

The idea is that you'd have your EQ set up properly for normal listening, then you would turn up the loudness when you're driving and turn it down again when you're listening while parked. It's an easier control to access than the EQ.

But to be a true loudness control, what should happen is that the loudness should decrease as the volume increases. I have brought this up in another discussion, but I think it deserves to be at the top of its own Wish List item. I'm going to head off and do that now, thanks for reminding me.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris