From the article:
Finally, music just isn't as important to young people as it used to be.
I wonder if that's true? My niece just came to stay with us and all she wanted to do was play her new CD on my computer. At church the youth are all very much into music and talk about it a great deal. Perhaps they are lest interested in music than I was at that age (I bought a new CD at least once a week on tips I’d earned bagging groceries), but I’ve always been more into music than those around me, even now, so it’s hard to tell.

I will say the one thing this article doesn't seem to discuss is the quality of music being put out now. Of course, being in my late twenties I guess that I’ve lost the right to be relevant in this area. Isn't it a law of the universe that once you're no longer a teenager you're supposed to complain about new music, and therefore are not to be taken seriously?
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.